slanted figures

The 'Slanted Figures' project started as I became more drawn to shooting images constructed with reflections and the process of ‘shooting through’ various objects. The majority of the images were taken on the streets of San Francisco and Oakland, California. At the center of these images, there is a barrier, a piece of glass, a material that is either transparent or cuts the clearness of the cityscape. The moments seen are actually away from us - we do not have clear access to them. We see them more as faded memories than actual incidents that are happening in front of our eyes.

Framing the subject with various shapes, objects and colors - on and through the reflective surface was the goal. The occasional distortion and warped element added a layer of excitement. The project aims to give shape to the complexity of public life in the city with the use of color, gesture and a precise look upon the subjects. The project calls on the viewer to imagine what is missing from the frame that completes the big picture.g ..